
The Cosma Visions Oracle Deck & Prisma Visions Tarot Book

Created by James R. Eads

A 78 card Oracle Deck and a 400 page hardcover book on Cosma Visions, Prisma Visions and the process of creating a tarot deck. Other products available at

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We're getting there!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 02:30:49 AM

Whew, we're about to hit the 75% mark, we moved onto international orders last week and have about 1500 packages left to ship out and then we will be collapsing on the floor. Our hands are battered from cardboard paper cuts and our feet are tired but we are making so much progress every day. If you haven't gotten your package yet thank you for your patience, we're getting there!

I also wanted to bring attention to an issue we have been having with the Past is a Present foil cards. It seems like there is a batch of Prisma Visions decks that are a millimeter or two smaller than other decks. We spoke to the manufacturer late last night and they kind of explained the issue, it has to do with the gilding process and shaving down the edges of the cards which causes slight variations in the size. It's frustrating for sure, especially when these cards are meant to be integrated with the full deck, this little difference makes it difficult to do so. 

We're not sure how widespread this issue is, if it was only a few cartons or a large chunk of the edition. I know this can be super frustrating, trust me I'm frustrated. Sadly, we can't really replace these cards since there is no way for us to match them to your deck without having you send your deck and cards back to us. I really apologize for this, so I'm offering everyone a code for $5 off any future purchases in the shop. Use the code: PASTPRESENT5 for $5 off, 1 use per customer, expires June 24th 11:59pm).

I'll be back with another update when we have completed shipping the Cosma Visions campaign! 

A little over halfway shipped!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 12:48:12 AM

We crossed the 50% shipped mark yesterday! I think we are still on track to wrap the kickstarter shipping around the end of March. I know many of you (50%) are still waiting on your pledges. We're going as fast as we can, it's a grueling process but we're making serious headway. I know that it can feel like everyone else has gotten their rewards but you, but I promise this is an illusion! 

Thank you to everyone who has left a review for Cosma Visions on our shop. Reading them all made my heart swell. It's still surreal that Cosma Visions, Geomantic Visions and everything else in this campaign is in the hands of so many people. 

The Cosma Visions Collection has now been integrated in the shop. Items are of course not available yet, but if there was anything else you were impressed by and you like to leave a review you can do so at the link below. You'll also notice the pricing on all items have been increased to their retail prices, if you want to take a peak at how good of a deal this kickstarter truly was. :)

View the The Cosma Visions Collection here

When your package ships you will get a notification and tracking number via your email on file. 

Thank you again, I'll be back with another update when we hit the 75% mark. If you have any questions about your order please email [email protected], it will be much faster than messaging me here. 

We're 33% of the way there!
about 3 years ago – Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 06:01:24 PM

We've officially reached the 33% mark! We've shipped out 2,000 packages in the past two weeks and have another 4,000 or so to go, so we're right on track to be done by the end of March. If you haven't gotten your deck yet then it may be on it's way soon! We do still have 4 more weeks of shipping ahead of us but we're moving fast and our studio space is slowly being uncovered by mountains of boxes. We started with Domestic orders to make sure that our packaging is top notch and there aren't any unforeseen errors and we'll be moving onto International orders shortly. Once your package has been shipped you will be emailed a tracking notification. 

If you have received your package and would like to leave a review, it is always appreciated! You can leave a review here.

If you want to share your new deck and goodies on social media hashtag #cosmavisions and we may feature it in our stories!

If you have any questions about your order please email [email protected].

We're Shipping!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 09:02:01 PM

I'm coming to you on this February Monday with some good news! Tomorrow we're dropping off our first batches of packages! We've done about 600 packages so far and are steaming through more each day. We started with the largest groups of people with the same items and are moving down the list. While it may have gone fast in these first stages of shipping, it's going to drastically slow down. As orders become more complex with more items and variants, the groups get smaller. The majority of the package "groups" have only 1 person in them. This is going to inevitably make the process more tedious but we have several shipping stations set up and a good assembly line going. 

The majority of packages will be shipped via USPS, with the exception of a few countries that we know have issues with USPS deliveries. Because shipping is going to cost upwards of $200,000 for this kickstarter we cannot make any further accommodations in using private companies like UPS and Fedex, you will have to endure the delays of USPS. A big perk of the kickstarter was the extremely discounted shipping rates (especially for international backers where packages are going to cost around $50-80 USD to ship. These items are heavy!) I really learned my lesson this time, future kickstarter campaigns will include more accurate shipping prices. The Big Visions Book is so heavy that it knocks everyone into the higher shipping rate tier. There are some instances where international shipping is costing us more than the entire backer's pledge...oops : ( 

When your package does ship you will get an email with your tracking information. I'm estimating we can do around 1,000 packages a week, which means this whole process will take around 6 weeks. I have to ask that you please be patient as we are working with a small team and going the fastest we can. If you ask where your package is during this shipping period, your question will likely go unanswered, because we don't know when exactly your package will ship out. I will send out several updates during the process and a big final update when we have finally sent everything out. Once that final update is out then you can ask where your package is :) 

I'm very excited that we are this close to Cosma Visions making it out into the world!

Cosma Visions has Landed!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 03:38:48 AM

Whew, the studio is looking very much like a massive distribution warehouse right about now. Over the last three weeks we got pallets upon pallets upon pallets of Cosma Visions items. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg, I can't possibly get it all into these photos but I can tell you we've never had this much stuff here. It's a bit overwhelming to look at and our desks are surrounded by towering boxes, but I am so excited that we're just that much closer to getting these rewards out to all of you. 

Right now we're still waiting on a few key items (The Collector's Coins, Past is a Present Foil Cards, Light Visions and Geomantic Visions) everything else is here!! We've been sifting through the package groups and getting everything set up on the back end so that we can make the shipping process as smooth as possible. 

Once the collector's coins and foil cards get here we will be able to begin shipping. They're expected to arrive in the two weeks, but again there have been significant delays in the port so this is just an estimate. 

I will send out another update when we have begun shipping, but February is looking very much like a possible start. Keep in mind there are A LOT of backers and it will be a 4-6 week window to get everyone's orders out the door. 

I think that's it for now..

Love from Los Angeles, 
